A Complete List of Sales Tax Holidays in 2019

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Last updated on July 23, 2019 Comments: 9

Sales tax holidays are a surprisingly great way to save money, especially during the back-to-school shopping season.

On specific dates, states do not require merchants to charge customers sales tax. Even if sales tax seems like a minor line item in your budget, it can make a big difference.

Sales tax holidays are an excellent time to purchase big ticket items that are on your list, or to get the kids’ clothes for the school year. Retailers often make this time even more enticing by offering additional sales and discounts during these tax holidays.

Not all states offer sales tax holidays. The ones that do set their own dates and rules. For instance, in some states, only certain school supplies count. In others, weather preparedness items, Energy Star products, and more are eligible.

Before you go purchase a new fridge or school uniform, check this list to see if your state has a sales tax holiday this year:

StateDaysItems Included + Max Cost1stYearDatesInformation Links *
Alabama3hurricane preparedness
generators - $1,000
supplies - $60
2012February 22-24http://www.revenue.alabama.gov/
Alabama3clothing - $100
computers - $750
school supplies - $50
books - $30
2006July 19-21http://www.revenue.alabama.gov/
Arkansas2clothing - $100
school supplies
2011August 3-4http://www.dfa.arkansas.gov/
Connecticut7clothing and footwear - $1002001August 18-24http://www.ct.gov/drs/
Florida7disaster preparedness
generators - $750
other supplies - $50
2017May 31-June 6http://floridarevenue.com/
Florida5clothing - $60
school supplies - $15
computers - $1,000
2007+August 2-6http://floridarevenue.com/
Iowa2clothing - $1002000August 2-3https://tax.iowa.gov/
Maryland3energy star products2011February 16-18http://www.comp.state.md.us/
Maryland7clothing & footwear-$1002010August 11-17http://www.marylandtaxes.com/
Massachusetts2all TPP - $2,5002004+August 17-18https://www.mass.gov/
Mississippi2clothing & footwear - $1002009July 26-27http://www.dor.ms.gov/
Mississippi3firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies2014Aug. 30-Sept. 1http://www.dor.ms.gov/
Missouri7energy star products - $1,500 2009April 19-25http://dor.mo.gov/
Missouri3clothing - $100
computers - $1,500
school supplies - $50
2004August 2-4http://dor.mo.gov/
New Mexico3clothing - $100
computers - $1,000
computer equip. - $500
school supplies - $30
2005August 2-4http://www.tax.newmexico.gov
Ohio3clothing - $75
school supplies - $20
2015August 2-4https://www.tax.ohio.gov/
Oklahoma3clothing - $1002007August 2-4http://www.tax.ok.gov/
South Carolina3clothing
school supplies
2000August 2-4http://www.sctax.org/
Tennessee3clothing - $100
school supplies - $100
computers - $1,500
2006July 26-28http://tn.gov/revenue/
Texas3generators - $3,000
storm devices - $300
preparedness items - $75
2016April 27-29http://comptroller.texas.gov
Texas3energy star products
air conditioners - $6,000; other - $2,000
2008May 25-27http://comptroller.texas.gov/
Texas3clothing, backpacks and school supplies- $1001999August 9-11http://comptroller.texas.gov/
Virginia3clothing - $100
school supplies - $20
energy star products - $2,500
hurricane preparedness items - $60
generators - $1,000
2006August 2-4http://www.tax.virgini

Article comments

Anonymous says:

It never ceases to amaze me how state governments can argue that increasing taxes won’t negatively impact the economy, and then turn around an promote tax holidays! Despite their words to the contrary, this action alone shows they do not believe what they say!

Anonymous says:

pennsylvania is not on this list as well. as a resident of the keystone state, it is nice that we are not taxed on clothes, but i have to say that i would not mind trading that in for the chance to not pay taxes on a large purchase once a year.

Anonymous says:

Georgia stopped their tax free shopping days last year. I guess we were losing too much money since everyone got smart. I did not go shopping at all that weekend. The stores were much too crowded. I thought that it was a great idea but the policitians thought otherwise.

Anonymous says:

I noticed that Arizona or Michigan are not on the list as well.

Anonymous says:

As far as Businesses go, tangible personal property describes personal property that can be physically relocated, such as furniture and office equipment. Tangible personal property is always depreciated over either a five- or seven-year period using straight-line amortization, but is eligible for accelerated depreciation as well. For the MA/LA tax payer ???????

Anonymous says:

Texas’ list of tax-exempt items is pretty stingy; back in the day, half of Oklahoma used to come down here to shop our tax-free weekend. Not only has that state now initiated their own tax-free weekend, but they made it earlier in the month. Ours is literally the weekend before school starts. According to my daughter, who works in a retail store in one of the malls here, business has been crazy for the past two or three weeks. Seems like shoppers here can’t or won’t wait two more weeks to save on sales tax.

For those in Louisiana or Massachusetts – what is “tangible personal property” that you can buy tax-free? That sounds intriguing.

Anonymous says:

Here in Missouri, our tax holiday just concluded and it was a success when looking at it from a business or consumer perspective. We consumers were able to reduce our cost on all sorts of purchases but the Back-to-School thing is laughable. My wife and I both bought new clothes for an upcoming cruise. Retailers had a great weekend too as consumers flocked-in from Arkansas and Illinois. Some came from as far away as Little Rock -heck of a drive- not only for the tax relief but also for the many sales that accompanied the weekend. Although there may have been some who did not offer additional discounts there were many that coupled sales along with the holiday in order to achieve greater volume. Except for having to tolerate the whining from the other side of the Mississippi it was a good weekend for smart shoppers.

Anonymous says:

I noticed NY isn’t on the list.

Anonymous says:

neither is Washington. For sales tax holiday i just shop in Oregon when i visit family.